Useful Information

Below we have given some useful information and links to find out more about our nursery, how you can apply, and how government funding works.

Depending on your circumstances, the Government can offer you help with fees, up to 30 hours funded per week. To find out more the link will help

You can find copies of our key Ofsted policies in the link

If you would like to apply to Little Explorers, then call, email, or fill out the form in the link

At Little Explorers Nursery we currently ask that parents provide their child with a packed lunch and a tea for them if needed. We have facilities to heat any food that requires it. For those children that are full paying/two year funded or pay for consumables we provide breakfast and snacks during the day. Water is available throughout the day and milk is provided at snack times.

Healthy, Active Little ones!

In 2016, East Sussex Public Health started working with Nurseries to help transform health and wellbeing outcomes for young children and their families.  We signed up to the programme when we opened the nursery in February 2021 working with them to promote Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Oral Health within our setting.​

During our snack times we work to promote healthy choices for eating, providing a balanced choice of fruits, vegetables or salad items alongside bread or crackers and cheese. We also encourage all children and their families to cook together and think about healthy eating through our termly newsletters which give great cookery ideas to try.

At Little Explorers Nursery children have access to fresh drinking water all day and drink only milk and water at mealtimes.

​We ask parents to provide heathy packed lunches for both lunch and tea, our packed lunch policy offers guidance and advice to parents, we do have facilities to heat food at the nursery and staff that prepare food have food hygiene qualifications.

In June 2022 we were awarded the HALO Excellence Award for ongoing commitment and support to the health and wellbeing of children, families and staff in the following areas:

  • Healthy eating
  • Physical activity
  • Oral hygiene
  • Children’s wellbeing
  • Independence
  • Self-care
  • Immunisations
  • Speech, language and communication
  • Adult wellbeing


What is Tapestry?

Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child’s learning experiences during their time with us.  This system allows you to see your child’s learning as it is added, as well as add to yourself!

How does it work?

Each key person and parent/carer has their own unique login for Tapestry.  Only you can see your child’s profile.  When your child’s account is set up by the manager, you will receive an email to set up a password.  Every time an observation, photo or snippet of your child’s day is added to their profile your will receive a notification of this via email.

Parent Partnership

This fantastic learning journal has really enhanced our working parent partnerships.  With you being able to read observations as they happen and either ‘like’ or comment on them.  It also means that you are able to add your own photos or family days or special times, or insights into the things your child does when not with us.  This really support us in working with your child and is also great for supporting your child in making links between home and preschool.

In the times we now live, Tapestry also narrows the gap with working parents – delivering information about your child’s learning to the device you choose to access it from, meaning you can always know what has been happening, and stay involved, in your little ones lives!